Thinking of rolling out the Teams app in MS Teams the “right” way?

This particular post is focused on some the questions to ask when rolling out the Teams application in Microsoft Teams. The app everyone sees and, rarely uses. The app below "Chat" and above "Calendar". Yup, that one! Every organization wants to roll out Microsoft Teams the "right" way. Unfortunately, the "right" way for one organization, … Continue reading Thinking of rolling out the Teams app in MS Teams the “right” way?

Brand your virtual background in MS Teams – create a space relevant to your audience.

So why would you care to create your own background? Here are some use cases I have seen: For external meetings - to showcase your company products and brandFor internal meetings - to display project updates and timelinesFor new team meetings - to tell a story about yourself, your interests and hobbiesFor webinars - to … Continue reading Brand your virtual background in MS Teams – create a space relevant to your audience.

Remember these steps when organizing MS Teams meetings.

Organizing and attending MS Teams meetings have now become the simplest part of our remote working days - for most of us at least. While we are busy working in these meetings, Microsoft is busy working on improving our meeting experiences. Constantly improving them! Today's post became an inspiration as I was walking through the … Continue reading Remember these steps when organizing MS Teams meetings.

MS Teams Class Notebooks – device features

Things you need to know! There are a variety of differences between the traditional OneNote we are adopting in our daily and professional lives, and the Class Notebook for institutions/schools available for Teachers and Students. I have been doing a lot of comparisons between Teams and Teams for EDU and TBH - my favorite feature … Continue reading MS Teams Class Notebooks – device features

Too many Teams? Here is how we enhance the MS Teams experience for our clients.

It is no secret, Microsoft Teams is where you live and breath as your office quickly shifted to remote work. MS Teams is now the most popular app – apart from Instagram (personally)! Welcome to the era of Modern Teamwork. With that being said, the number of Teams created can easily get out of hand … Continue reading Too many Teams? Here is how we enhance the MS Teams experience for our clients.

The beginners guide to AI in the workplace with Office 365

One of the biggest struggles employees are facing in today's world of a digital and modern workplace is - fear. Fear of changing the way we are accustomed to working, the way our brains think, the way we complete repetitive tasks, and the fear of allowing a machine, an intelligent machine, to take over jobs. … Continue reading The beginners guide to AI in the workplace with Office 365